July 24, 2020
Dear CPC family,
We wanted to let you know that the Session met last Tuesday and decided starting Sunday August 16, we will have worship outside on the patio at 9:30am and 11:00am. Though we are saddened that indoor worship has been prohibited for now, we hope many of you will join us for this great opportunity to worship together. Sign-ups will be available Monday August 10 through Eventbrite. A pre-recorded worship service will be available this Sunday July 26 for our special Student Ministries Sunday (and every Sunday as usual) at 9:30am and 11:00am.
For those wondering why we are waiting to begin outdoor services, those planning both the Student Ministries Sunday and Great Commission Sunday (August 9) felt going online worked best for the unique needs of these special services.
We long for the day where we can all safely return to CPC’s campus to worship, grow and serve together, yet we are grateful that so many at CPC—and even some new to CPC—have been tracking with us online. On July 12, for example, we had a wonderful service with 66 people in attendance and 888 views of our online service. God is continuing to use CPC both in-person and online. Praise the Lord!
We also want to remind you that we are having an online congregational meeting to vote on Elders, Deacons and the Nominating Committee this Sunday at 5pm. You must register in advance through Zoom for this meeting and we hope you will join us: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_UUhTs2qUQuWE-T7Ebi2S4w. (Important note: Each Covenant Partner who wishes to vote in the meeting will have to register individually and join the meeting using their own unique log-in link on their own device, ie. phone, tablet, or computer. This link will be sent with your registration confirmation.)
We grieve together with the unexpected passing of longtime CPC Covenant Partner, Richard (Dick) Nystrom, this past Wednesday. Please keep his wife, Marjorie, and their children in your prayers as they mourn together. Per the family's request, there is no memorial service scheduled at this time.
In these uncertain times, we want you to know your church family cares and is here to support you and those in our community. We are counseling the hurting, feeding the hungry and partnering with others to bless those in need, all in the name of Jesus.
Trusting in God our refuge,
Pastor Tim and the Church Reopening Team
Staff: Tim Yee, Luke Barnes, Dorothy Bentley, Bob Spencer, Abby Warburg
Laity: Lily Ogden, Matt Bell, Alain Claudel, Susan Kuhlman