January 22, 2021
Dear CPC family,
Even though there is rain in the forecast, there is a good chance we will have a dry Sunday morning and we have our new waterproof tarp up for extra protection. You can still register for the 930am or 11am service this Sunday and our K-5 kids program at 11am.
We know that because of Christ we can be centered on His truth and trust in Him for all things. We invite you join the Session in praying for our nation as we seek to move forward in constructive ways as we navigate COVID challenges. We are so grateful that we can worship in-person safely and look forward to seeing you this Sunday.
Pastor Tim and the Church Reopening Team
Staff: Tim Yee, Luke Barnes, Bob Spencer, Abby Warburg
Laity: Lily Ogden, Matt Bell, Susan Kuhlman
PS -- You can also support Martha Henry’s food pantry by bringing your canned goods and much needed supplies this Sunday. It’s an easy way to show the love of Christ to our neighbors in need.