July 3, 2020
Dear CPC Family:
We are grateful for how well everyone followed the guidelines in gathering back on campus for the first worship service in months! Last Sunday's in-person service at 9:30am went GREAT as well as the livestream at both 9:30am and 11:00am. Thank you for your prayers and support whether you came to campus or stayed at home. Your continued prayers matter and are being felt as we continue into Phase 3 of our reopening plan. I want to highlight three things: 1. Please come at 9:30am if you desire to! We have plenty of space as we are opening up overflow in Friendship Hall as well to accommodate up to 100 people on campus. You don’t have to worry about taking someone’s place so please sign up here. 2. We are having communion served in the sanctuary and we know this is important to all of us. What a great Sunday to join us on this holiday weekend as we not only remember the independence of our nation but also the freedom we have in Christ! And for those staying home, you can prepare by gathering your bread/crackers and juice/wine as you participate with us live. 3. Lastly, come for the singing after the service on the patio. Last Sunday we sang a few hymns on the patio, masks on, with social distancing BUT it was worshipful, wondrous and joyful. We know many of you will really find this time meaningful this Sunday. To sum up: there’s plenty of space, we’re having communion and we will be singing outside! These are three more great reasons to join us in-person in addition to simply the awesomeness of worshiping the Lord together. We will see you in-person and online this Sunday! Pastor Tim and the Church Reopening Team Staff: Tim Yee, Luke Barnes, Dorothy Bentley, Bob Spencer, Abby Warburg Laity: Lily Ogden, Matt Bell, Alain Claudel, Susan Kuhlman