Students & Families
Connecting to Jesus in community
At CPC we are committed to growing the next generation of Jesus following servant leaders who know how to have fun, build lasting and meaningful relationships, and inspire their people to wonder at the world and want to know it's Maker.
Family Beach Nights
Every 4th Friday we want to invite you down to Carmel Beach near 13th & Scenic
for family beach nights. Potluck, devotional, and worship on the beach.

Kids Club
Kindergarten - 5th grade
Wednesdays from 3:30-5PM
You are invited to join us for our after-school program on the Patio every week. An afternoon filled with high energy games, snacks, and bible centered teaching.
Kids Church
Pre-K - 5th Grade
Sundays @ 11AM
Join us as we gather in the Sanctuary for Family Worship then get dismissed for Kids Worship and High Energy Biblical Teaching and Small Groups.
415 (Starting soon)
4th & 5th Grade Discipleship Class
Sundays @ 11AM
We will Walk thru the Bible. We will work on scripture memorization and learn about major biblical characters in the Bible.
Our mission is to make disciples by partnering with parents to build up the next generation of leaders who seek, serve, and share Christ.
Middle School
6th-8th Grade
Wednesdays 6:30PM
Join us for some fun, connection, and worship every Wednesday night! We also go on retreats, plan other fun activities, and serve our community throughout the year. We want you/your student to be connected and growing in their faith. Join us on Wednesday nights.
High School
9th-12th Grade
Wednesdays 6:30-8PM
Join other awesome students for a fire pit, some biblical teaching, good food, and reflective worship on the Patio every Wednesday! We also gather throughout the year for special events, service projects, and fun.

Young adults
Young Adult Ministry Monday
Ages 18-30 years old
Mondays 6-7PM
Young Adult Ministry is for emerging adults who
are 18–30-year-olds. We desire to build authentic community gathering through worship, word,
and food.
Come hang out with us! Join us for dinner, worship, and a Biblical talk and discussion.