“Blessed are all who take refuge in him.” (Psalm 2:12, ESV)
Psalm 1 and 2 form an introduction to the 148 psalms that will follow. Psalm 1 opens with a word about who is “blessed” and Psalm 2 ends with a verse about who is “blessed”. Psalm 1 celebrates the person who dedicates their life to the Torah, God’s law, while Psalm 2 is celebration of the ascension of a Davidic king, likely having 2 Samuel 7 in mind which speaks of a Messianic king in particular. Together Psalm 1 and 2 introduce two important themes in the entire psalter: God’s Word and God’s King. The book of Psalms thus becomes Israel’s songbook as they delight in God’s law as they wait for God’s King.
Psalm 1 reminds us that though this is a tough season God is helping our roots go deeply in the Lord. Even though roots are in darkness, growth is happening. And God is not burying us, He’s planting us. The healthiest trees have roots in the ground where you can’t see them even while God is working. The blessed person delights in His Word even when they can’t see the evidence of God’s blessing yet.
Psalm 2, reminds us that the path through this wilderness time of waiting is filled with opportunities to honor the King by serving Him, staying in awe of Him, and taking refuge in Him. The blessed person takes refuge in this King even when others tempt them to trust other kings and forms of refuge.
Living Out God’s Word
As we memorize Psalm 1:1 “Blessed is the man…” we can also memorize Psalm 2:12 “Blessed are all who take refuge in him.” How do you find it most natural to take refuge in the Lord, resting in His grace, and enjoying His Word? If you’re looking to change up your normal quiet time routine, why not take a walk and have Psalm 2 in mind: thinking of ways to serve Him, reasons to be in awe of Him, and thanking Him for being your refuge. The Bible points to a blessed life that centers on God’s Word and rests in God’s grace.
King Jesus, help me to see You on every page of the Bible. This is not only Your prayer-book, this is a book that is all about You! As I meditate on the reality of You as King of this world and King of my life, soften my heart to the things on Your heart. Make me sensitive to ways You want me to serve others. Increase an awareness of Your awesome presence. Grant me confidence that in You I can always find refuge. Amen.