“That very day two of them were going to a village named Emmaus, about seven miles[a] from Jerusalem, and they were talking with each other about all these things that had happened. While they were talking and discussing together, Jesus himself drew near and went with them.” (Luke 24:13-15)
I spent Tuesday morning touring the Cachagua fire destruction with Pastor Dave Hong (Sanctuary Bible) and Orville Meyers (Valley Bible Fellowship). We praised God for sparing Valley Bible’s 10-acre campus even though it came within feet of their building and also prayed for the 50 families that lost homes in that community. Pastor Orville is working diligently to care for the community and spread the love of Christ through counseling, preaching the gospel in meeting physical needs. The funds coming from CPC folks like you are being put to good use like distributing bikes and gift cards for essentials for families who lost everything. Sadly, many folks are left with nothing and our partnership means that we can help the most needy as Valley Bible continues to assess the needs. Pastor Orville is living out Christ’s presence by simply going to where the needs are and waiting on the Spirit to open a door to be invited to share God’s love in direct ways. Let’s keep praying for him in the next weeks to come.
As I was reading Luke 24 this week, several observations impressed me about how Jesus modeled discipleship that was relational. As you read Luke 24 notice how Jesus comes alongside people where they are (verse 15), draws towards those who are hurting (verse 17), asks about what they’re thinking (17), stays engaged even when criticized (verse 18), asks inviting questions to keep the conversation going (verse 19), speaks with truth after listening (verse 25), shares God’s Word in the conversation after building rapport (verse 27), waited to be invited for more relationship building (verse 28), welcomed the invitation to come into the person’s home (verse 29), shared a meal with his new friends (verse 29) and inspired those who heard to share God’s truth with others (verse 33).
It’s not lost on me either that at the end of this encounter, an observable supernatural experience occurred (verse 31) and an inward supernatural experience was recognized (verse 32). The LORD will use us—His ambassadors (2 Corinthians 5:20)—to do same as we engage in relationships with the mind of Christ. He made disciples as He built relationships. May we do the same.
Living Out the Word of God
Take time this week to read Luke 24 on your own. What insights does God give you about making disciples in a relational way? Whom has God placed in your life right now that you could share Christ with in a relational way? How could you partner with our friends in Cachagua to help them build relationships as ambassadors for Christ?
LORD, our whole lives are about glorify You and making disciples. Forgive me for being satisfied with just me being a disciple instead of me making disciples. Give me the confidence and the tools to be obedient to fulfill Your great commission: “Go and make disciples of all nations.” May I see with new eyes today the opportunities to build relationships with others and simply allow Your beauty, goodness, truth and love flow out of me to others. Show me the opportunities and the needs. Amen.