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Writer's picturePastor Tim Yee

Make Disciples

“Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.’”

Matthew 28:18-20

Last month our Session (teaching elders and ruling elders) approved a new mission statement that says,

We glorify God and make disciples by:

Connecting People to Christ

through small acts of great love

every day.

As we reflect our new mission statement, it begins with a commitment to making disciples. The late Dallas Willard said in his book, The Great Omission:

“The greatest issue facing the world today, with all its heartbreaking needs, is whether those who, by profession or culture, are identified as ‘Christians’ will become disciples – students, apprentices, practitioners – of Jesus Christ, steadily learning from him how to live the life of the Kingdom of the Heavens into every corner of human existence.”

When Jesus was about to ascend to heaven, he gave us instruction to make disciples. According to Willard, the word disciple occurs 269 times in the New Testament, but the word “Christian” is found three times. Perhaps we have settled for making coverts instead of the hard but satisfying work of committing to relationally driven, mutually accountable and life-changing discipleship.

Glorifying God and making disciples is why the Church exists. I’m excited to see in the months and years ahead how CPC can recommit to this fundamental aspect of our identity in both our teaching and in our living. Making disciples is the task that Jesus has given us until he comes again.

I prayed last Sunday, “May our Bible studies and small groups continue to have lots of solid Bible teaching and continue to lead to lots of solid Bible living.” Faithful disciples know right things and live the right way. Disciples making disciples is the life we are called to and can be the norm for our church if we are willing to remember our first call to Jesus’ Great Commission, “Go and make disciples of all nations…”


How did God use relationships in your past to shape you into the likeness of Jesus? Have you ever invested in someone else to help them grow as a disciple? Would you like an opportunity to grow as a disciple at CPC?


Jesus, may your grace fill us and overflow to those we disciple so that they would grow in the knowledge of you and be shaped into your likeness. Father, reveal your love to a world looking for true love through our small acts of service and imperfect words that point to you. Holy Spirit, may we know true and intimate fellowship with you that fuels our love and grace for one another. Grow me as your disciple as I walk with others on this journey of becoming more like you. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen.

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