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Writer's picturePastor Tim Yee

Letters from Session & Pastor Tim

October 19, 2022

Dear CPC Family,

We are writing with important news for our church fellowship. At last night’s Session meeting, Pastor Tim shared with us that he has accepted a new ministry position as Pastor and VP of Ministry and Mission at Cherith. As you will read in Pastor Tim’s letter below, this is a wonderful ministry opportunity and we are excited for him and this call of God upon his life.

At the same time, we feel deep sadness over this unexpected change. Pastor Tim, Kati, and their daughters Avery and Gracen, have blessed our church family with their presence, gifting and joy in the Lord. Pastor Tim’s preaching of the Word of God, focus on growing disciples, desire to reach people with the Good News of Jesus, and spiritual care and counseling are among the many ways we have been enriched by his service to CPC.

Pastor Tim will conclude his service on December 31. There will of course be an opportunity for you to celebrate and give thanks for the Yee family and we will share details as soon as we have them. Additionally, we are working to provide answers to other questions you may have. If you wish you may send your questions to: As soon as we have answers, we will provide them.

For now, please know that we believe our heavenly Father is graciously working in this. As your elders, we are prayerfully seeking His wisdom and will for our next steps as well as obtaining practical guidance from the ECO Bluewater Presbytery Ministry Partnership Team. We plan to share information on a transition plan in a future update.

Even as this circumstance brings uncertainty and questions about our church family and ministry, we encourage you to trust in the unfailing love and care of the Lord. Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church and the advancement of His Kingdom continues.

One of the frequent encouragements in Scripture practiced by the people of God in times like these is to “Wait upon the Lord.” We invite you to join us in heartfelt prayer that we might in unity, faith, hope and love be guided into the good future He has planned for us.

“But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. ‘The LORD is my portion,’ says my soul, ‘therefore I will hope in him.’ ” Lam. 3:21-24 ESV

In Christ,

Matt Bell Dean Gray Hans Hess

Susan Kuhlman Jun Mabul Linda Masten

Greg Ogden Greg Quiring John Scherer

CPC Elders


October 19, 2022

Dear CPC family,

When I think of you, this truth from Philippians 4:1 comes to mind, “Therefore, my brothers and sisters, you whom I love and long for, my joy and crown, stand firm in the Lord in this way, dear friends!”

I have cherished this season as your pastor to preach God’s Word faithfully, counsel those in need and laugh beside you in the joyful moments. You have encouraged, challenged, and inspired me to become a better pastor, leader, servant, and friend. For that I will always be grateful.

My heart is torn as I write this to tell you that I have accepted a position as Pastor and VP of Ministry and Mission at Cherith. This is a Christian organization that brings discipleship tools to local and global churches, some in the most under-resourced parts of the world. I know that this comes as a surprise to many of you as it has for me, Kati and the girls. We did not make this decision lightly but with great prayer and discernment.

Cherith’s unexpected invitation comes both with excitement to join their Great Commission focus, and also sadness in saying goodbye to our CPC Family. I truly have enjoyed preaching God’s Word and serving the church with the gifts God has entrusted to me. We leave CPC knowing that we have made friendships that will last a lifetime.

Though saying goodbye is never easy, I believe the best days are ahead for CPC and I will continue to pray with and for you as you show the love of Jesus in your everyday lives. The CPC family has truly become my “joy and crown.”

Pursuing the glory of God with you,

Pastor Tim Yee

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