October 2, 2020
Dear CPC family,
We look forward to seeing you this Sunday as we still have spots at both the 9:30AM and 11:00AM services on our covered patio. We are having communion, so it’s another reason to join us in-person to celebrate this sacrament together. For those watching from home, have your bread and drink ready immediately following the sermon.
It’s a great time to remember our unity in Christ as we come to the Lord’s Table overwhelmed by both the depth of our sin and the depth of God’s love!
Thank you for supporting CPC with your generosity. We couldn’t impact the Peninsula and the world in Christ’s name without your partnership.
Looking forward to worshiping with you this Sunday,
Pastor Tim and the Church Reopening Team
Staff: Tim Yee, Luke Barnes, Dorothy Bentley, Bob Spencer, Abby Warburg
Laity: Lily Ogden, Matt Bell, Alain Claudel, Susan Kuhlman