August 28, 2020
Dear CPC family,
We are so grateful that there has been great progress in the multiple fires that have ravaged our communities. With the ongoing uncertainty with air quality this weekend we decided earlier in this week to have online-only worship services this Sunday August 30 at 930am and 1100am. Our next in-person worship services will be on Sunday Sep. 6 with communion being served. We know not being in-person this Sunday is disappointing but we continue to prioritize the safety and health of our guests and church family in this tumultuous season of COVID and fires.
We also wanted to thank the many who not only offered help to evacuees but actually were able to house families, move valuables and feed those displaced. Thank you! What a beautiful thing to see our church family bless CPC families and many in our community during this time of crisis. We quickly approved and distributed $1000 worth of grocery gift cards from our Deacons fund to displaced families as well. I saw our own Todd Fisher this week and personally thanked him for the incredible ministry of serving hundreds of meals this past week with his wife Ada, their family and volunteers. But there is an opportunity to help even more.
Our friends at Valley Bible Fellowship in Cachagua know personally over 30 families who lost their homes last week. Miraculously their church was spared but they are now assessing the needs and forming a plan to help the many devastated by the fires.
Would you consider joining CPC in partnering with Valley Bible Fellowship as we minister to the many hurting right now? Or if you are aware of a longer term rental property or perhaps a guest house that would be available for families who have lost their homes, email us at
We will see you online this Sunday and know that each day is an opportunity to reveal God’s goodness to a world desperate for Good News—Jesus Christ!
Pastor Tim and the Church Reopening Team
Staff: Tim Yee, Luke Barnes, Dorothy Bentley, Bob Spencer, Abby Warburg
Laity: Lily Ogden, Matt Bell, Alain Claudel, Susan Kuhlman