June 4, 2020
Dear CPC family:
I am pleased to report that we plan to return to an in-person worship service by the end of this month. Session unanimously approved a four-stage plan recommended by the Church Reopening Team. The team of both staff and lay leaders looked closely at the Church Reopening Survey results, showing that our 9:30 am folks were most eager to return quickly, even with restrictions. The survey also revealed that our 11:00 am folks were more willing to wait a bit longer to see if restrictions ease over time.Â
Because the environment is complex and quickly changing, we are experimenting with creative ways to reopen, provide online worship alternatives and uphold safety standards as expected by our governing authorities. After much discussion and prayerful thought, beginning on June 28th we plan to hold one "in-person" traditional service at 9:30 am. Please expect that CPC's worship service will be considerably different than our last services on March 8th!  Following state and local guidelines, seating will be limited to 75 people in the Sanctuary, with physical distancing, masks required, and no congregational singing. Reservations will be needed. There will be no child care or other gatherings on campus. More detailed guidelines will be provided next week, along with information on how to sign up for the 9:30 am service.Â
We know this is not a perfect solution to everyone’s desire to return to in-person church. We are asking our 11:00 am service folks to be extra patient and give us grace as we continue to offer an 11:00 am worship experience online only. We simply need more time to prepare to do two services in-person. We will continue to provide online services at both 9:30 am and 11:00 am to be sensitive to any who may not feel comfortable coming to in-person services.Â
Here is a summary of our four stages:
Stage 1 – Current Stage
Both the 9:30 am and 11:00 am worship services are livestream / prerecorded only.
Stage 2 – Beginning June 28, 2020 9:30 am: Begin in-person worship service in the Sanctuary only. Maximum of 75 persons. Livestreaming for online at home worship.
11:00 am: Livestream or prerecorded only.
Stage 3 – Date TBD 9:30 am: In-person worship service in the Sanctuary and overflow rooms. Maximum of 100 persons. Livestreaming to overflow rooms and for online at home worship.
11:00 am: Continue Livestream or prerecorded only.
Stage 4 – Date TBD 9:30 am: In-person worship service in the Sanctuary and overflow rooms. Maximum of 100 persons. Livestreaming to overflow rooms and for online at home worship.
11:00 am: Begin in-person worship service in the Sanctuary and overflow rooms. Maximum of 100 persons. Livestreaming to overflow rooms and for online at home worship.
We so look forward to all being back together and ask for your prayers and support, trusting that the Lord will give us patience as we experiment with different ways to gather, worship and serve others in a world in great need.
Waiting with you,
Pastor Tim