Dear CPC family,
The past 10 weeks have been a challenging time for us as a church, so thank you for worshiping with us and inviting others to get to know our CPC family in this season of quarantine. As we prayerfully plan on how and when to reopen the church campus you can help us by sharing your thoughts and feelings regarding returning to church by taking this short survey now.
We are making plans to return whenever it is deemed safe and strategic to do so. Your Session believes the best way forward is to continue to stay the course in upholding the guiding principles outlined below.
The health and safety of our church family and guests is the utmost importance, especially our beloved second half of life members, and those who are more vulnerable.
Decisions will be made with great faith in King Jesus who is in control of our church and our lives. Psalm 112:7 says, “[The righteous person] is not afraid of bad news; his heart is firm, trusting in the LORD.”
We will follow federal, state and local guidelines as requested by governmental authorities and medical professionals (Romans 13:1-4). This may include limited number of attendees, social distancing, sanitary requirements, no children’s ministry, and so on.
Being a good neighbor involves helping those suffering during this quarantine as well as following health guidelines to protect the broader community.
We will strive to speak highly of other churches and Christians even when we differ on decisions related to COVID-19.
The sooner we reopen, the more restrictive the guidelines we must follow, which we will share in due time. The good news is that we can learn from churches that have reopened partially as we await our opportunity. [Here is a reopening plan from a fellow ECO church]
We trust that you can appreciate the leadership challenge this unprecedented circumstance has created. We do not want to open up a moment too soon nor too late. We ask that you pray for your staff and elders to receive godly wisdom as we weigh the complexities of this decision. For those asking, “How can I help?”, here are some ideas:
Continue to give so the church can continue its vital ministry here in the community and around the world; you can do so by calling the office or going online.
Continue to pray for our CPC family, our staff and elders and the many in need. Also, our next First Wednesday Prayer will be online June 3 at 7:00 pm.
Continue to serve by bringing your non-perishable canned goods and other items to the church starting June 1 to support Martha Henry, a friend of CPC, in her neighborhood food pantry in Seaside.
Purposely plan on being a person of peace: look for ways to center on Jesus Christ while still holding on to your personal convictions. [A wonderful article on pursuing unity can be found here.]
Please support our local businesses by buying takeout, ordering gift cards and shopping locally.
Add a new spiritual practice during this season of studying the Psalms: memorize a Scripture, take a prayer walk, write in a prayer journal or email the church to get some other great ideas.
We join you in eagerly awaiting the time when we can be back on our church campus. Now, more than ever, we realize that the church was never the building. It has always been the people of God, empowered by the Spirit of God, serving the Son of God. We have been blessed to be a blessing and we can bless our neighbors by waiting patiently, joyfully and expectantly. God’s kingdom will not be thwarted by a virus. King Jesus has already conquered sin and death itself.
Pastor Tim Yee and the Session of Carmel Presbyterian Church
Survey will remain open through Friday, May 29.
Please consider taking it now. Thank you!