Dear CPC family, It’s hard to imagine how much has changed in the past two weeks. With the country and world consumed by the coronavirus and ensuing economic downturn, churches including ours were forced to move to an online-only format. This has not been easy but the good news is that so many of you have been tuning in and sharing online with others. In fact, when we would normally get a couple dozen of views of a sermon, we are getting hundreds of views of our services! That means we are reaching even more people for Christ! The crisis is forcing us to be creative and to proclaim the gospel to even those we have never met in person. Our community, now more than ever, needs the hope that comes only from Jesus Christ our Lord. We also want you to know that ministry hasn’t stopped at all but rather has continued in many ways as groups meet online for encouragement, prayer, bible study, and fellowship. Just last Thursday we had our first Alpha course sharing the gospel and helping people grow in their faith. Youth groups are meeting and children’s programs are happening. People are still connecting even with our limitations. God is being glorified in this challenging season. It’s also been a blessing to hear how so many of you are “taking 5 for 5”: calling 5 people for 5 minutes to check in with them. In so many ways CPC is showing itself to be more than just friendly but a true family. People purchased infant car seats and diapers for foster babies, delivered meals to homebound seniors and families, and offered a listening ear to the hurting. We want to remind you of three new emails you can use: stories of seeing God at work confidential prayer requests let us know if you have a need or can offer help in some way
We will be offering a twice weekly devotional as we journey together in this season of uncertainty that can be found at I hope all of our online offerings are a blessing in this season where we need to lean evermore on our unchanging Sovereign Lord.
Lastly, this Wednesday we have a few opportunities for prayer and fellowship in addition to our other online connection opportunities.
This Wednesday morning at 8am PST there will be a national gathering for prayer and fasting with Dr. Tim Keller. Sign up now at
Afterward from 11:30am-12:00pm I will host a live bible discussion for 30 minutes that will end at noon with the Lord’s Prayer. Use your computer or phone and click this link:
At 7pm we will have an hour of prayer making supplications for our world, our nation, our church and our community. Go to this link to join:
We look forward to having you join us online each Sunday for worship and midweek for other opportunities, but also to commit to pray, give and serve. It’s even more imperative for CPC to help our neighbors know the great I Am who is Lord over all our uncertainties and a great light that shines in our darkness. We are so grateful for your continued generosity in this season in all the various ways you are supporting our church family as we face this challenge together.
Your pastor,
Tim Yee