Transforming Church Insight (TCI Survey)
Online Instructions for Carmel Presbyterian Church
Thank you for participating in this valuable tool for our church. The tabulated results of this survey will help our church in its strategic planning process by identifying our church’s strengths, as well as opportunities for improvement. This survey is conducted by Leighton Ford Ministries, a Christian non-profit that specializes in ministry leadership. Each member of a household (16 years and older) should respond. The survey is open 12:01AM Sunday, May 21 through 11:59PM Sunday, June 11.
Taking the Survey
Do not labor over your decision – your first instinct is usually right. The survey will take you about 20-30 minutes to complete. You will need to complete the survey in one sitting. Your responses will be completely confidential. If you are ready to begin, then follow these basic steps:
1. Log on to the website: Click on URL below or copy and paste into your browser.
2. Enter our Church’s Password: cpcca
This password is the same for everyone in our church. Once the survey period has been completed, the survey will be closed and you will not be able to log on.
3. Answer each question according to the instructions. When you have finished each set of questions, click “Next” at the bottom of the page. You may use the “Previous” and “Next” buttons to navigate pages and change your answers at any point while you are logged on. When you click “Done” on the last page, your answers will be saved and you cannot change them.
4. Each member of a family, age 16 and older, should participate individually.
5. The survey is open 12:01AM Sunday, May 21 through 11:59PM Sunday, June 11.
6. If you have questions, please email Chuck Stees at
Frequently Asked Questions
1. I can’t get to the website.
If you have trouble with this, make sure that you have pasted the full URL into your browser.
2. I can’t log on.
Make sure that you have selected the appropriate link to your church and typed the password exactly as it appears.
3. I can’t get past page one – it keeps taking me back to the beginning.
This is a problem with the way that your computer’s security features / network firewalls are configured. The problem is with your computer or network, not with the survey. See #5 below.
4. What should I do if I don’t know the answer to a question?
Just leave that question blank. It will not skew the results. The composite score for each question is calculated by the number of participants who answer any given question, not by how many participants take the survey.
5. I can’t complete the survey online.
If you are unable to access the survey online, paper copies are available at the church office (M-F 8:30-4:00) or in the Narthex as you enter the church on Sundays. Return completed paper surveys to the church office or to the return bin in the Narthex no later than Monday, June 5th.