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Sowing Seeds

By Jacob Miller - Mission Aviation Fellowship (Brazil)

“This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us--whatever we ask--we know that we have what we asked of him.”

1 John 5:14-15 (NIV)

Prayer is a fundamental part of our lives as a missionary pilot here in Brazil. We start each flight with a petition to the Lord for protection and safety, and meet together regularly as an organization to seek God’s guidance and help. Prayer is essential and foundational to us.

But today I’d like to share a story of how God answered the prayers of a young pastor and missionary living in the Amazon region in Brazil. I have changed his name to protect his work.

Pastor D lives and works as a pastor in the northern part of Brazil. He had been praying for the Lord to open a door to share the Gospel in the indigenous communities nearby. These communities exist in remote areas very difficult to access by land or boat, but many have small dirt or grass airstrips.

Through a sequence of God-ordained meetings with leadership of one particular group, he was invited to come and visit their community. Subsequently he returned several times to continue to share Bible stories with the people living there.

Recently I was able to accompany the pastor as he visited this community once again. On the flight there, he mentioned that he had been praying for the opportunity to visit another community nearby.

The flight from his home city took over an hour, even with the fast 160 knots cruise speed of our Cessna 210. We circled in low over the river and stopped easily on the short grass runway. As soon as the propeller stopped, the children ran up to the plane, excited to hear once again from Pastor D.

It’s the type of place that you might picture in your mind, along the bank of a wide river that meanders through the jungle. The village is full of banana trees, intense tropical sunlight, and little monkeys that apparently make as good a meal as they do pets.

We unloaded the pastor’s supplies from the back of the plane including food, treats for the children, Bibles and materials. Surrounded by a group of people, he disappears around the corner into the village to begin sharing the Gospel.

After we packed up the plane for the return trip, the pastor could barely contain himself as he shared some exciting news. "We've been invited to another village nearby!” Word had traveled and they also wanted to hear what he had to say. The Word is spreading.

In 1 John it says God will answer our prayers according to His will. When we pray, we can be assured that God hears us and will answer. We praise God for answering Pastor D’s prayer and opening the door for more ministry here.

Please pray for the ministry of Pastor D. and others working in the Amazon. There is great opposition, but at the same time, great opportunity. Pray for wisdom and courage, and for the Lord to bring about an abundant harvest.

Thank you for your prayers and support of our work as a missionary pilot here in Brazil. We give thanks to the Lord for the part you are playing in sowing seeds of the Good News in this part of the world.

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