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In Awe and Grateful

By Beautiful Response - RUHU, Uganda

Last June, Beautiful Response sent out an email and used the header "Feeling Desperate”. It was an accurate description of how we felt at the time. At the beginning of May, we were easily six digits into the red and we weren't sure how we would crawl out of that hole during the summer months.

When Caleb spoke with the leaders of RUHU in Uganda, he discussed the July budgets with Patrick and William. It came up that some school expenses had exceeded budget projections due to the inflation felt globally. If the needs were not met, students would stop studying or get delayed by years because they could not afford the proper equipment or the final tuition payment all the time. It would put a life on hold.

We asked God to provide, communicated the needs to our donors, and God, once again, proved Himself to be a great provider for our kids at RUHU, Uganda. In less than one month, we were able to send enough funds to send kids to school and get the supplies they needed.

This is just a simple example about how God cares about every little detail in our lives, how we matter, no matter who and where we are. We all can come to Him and say “Abba, Father, we need You”. This is something that we have witnessed over and over again through the years of supporting the children in Uganda; how God has enabled Beautiful Response to do far more than what we could accomplish on our own.

If we ever think that what we need is too small for God to care about, this story from RUHU reminds us that nothing is too small for Him. What is it that we need? School supplies, tuition, a training certificate, success in learning? He cares about them all and He is our help in times of need.

“Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.” Ephesians 3:20- NLT

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