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Writer's picturePastor Tim Yee

Better Together

“After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands” (Revelation 7:9).

Pastor Ronald Britt from the Greater Victory Temple and Sister Martha Henry joined me for a livestream discussion on race and the gospel last week. You can watch the recording of our time together here.

Pastor Britt’s background as an Army veteran and Sheriff for Santa Clara County brought a unique perspective in how to move forward in race relations as a fellow brother in Christ. Likewise, Sister Martha’s years of being a global and local educator as well as coming from a military family, reminded us that even faithful Americans can have painful experiences because of their color of their skin and yet we can still look to Christ for healing and hope. In a day and age when so many churches and their leaders are looking for Bible-centered ways to engage this important issue, what a gift Pastor Britt and Martha are to CPC!

As we read Revelation 7:9 together, I was moved by the image of all the nations (and all the various colors, cultures and languages present as well) bowing down before Jesus when that future day of glory comes and pointing to the love of Christ now until He comes again. How blessed I was this week to visit Martha in her home, for example, to see her community garden and witness the great blessing that her food pantry is having in her neighborhood. It’s because we are partnering that we are better together for the glory of God in this world now as we long for God’s next perfect world to come.

I was impressed during our discussion by many things from both of these wonderful Christian leaders, but I was most moved by their sincere desire for unity as we wrestle with how to find solutions that honor Christ in these tumultuous times. I so look forward to building on these relationships that many of you at CPC have developed from years of serving with the Greater Victory Temple tutoring ministry and serving alongside our black brothers and sisters on these wonderful Worship in Action service days. I get the blessing of leaning into these relationships that you have helped forge from years of friendship in Christ. Thank you, CPC, for all the ways you have invested in these partnerships in the years past and the ways you continue to do so today. We are truly better together!

Living Out the Word of God

If you haven’t visited Martha Henry’s community garden and food pantry, you can take a drive over to her place and get a tour while you drop off some food items. Actually, she receives children’s books, DVD’s, all pantry food items and essentials like toilet paper and toothpaste that all go to her neighbors who might have a need. Your heart will fill with joy as you see how God is using our partnership to glorify Him and show the world what it looks like when brothers and sisters dwell in unity. Email us at if you’d like to get connected or simply drop off your items at church and we will deliver them for you.


Father, we know that we are all Your children. You made every beautiful color and will gather us in unity one day. Until that day, continue to show us how to demonstrate our oneness in You, our true King. Bless Pastor Ronald Britt and the Greater Victory Temple as they faithfully witness in Seaside. Bless Sister Martha as she feeds hungry people and grows food for her neighborhood, all in the name of Christ. Bless our partnership as we find ways to show the world that because of You, Jesus, we can be united as one family of God. Amen.

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